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Vanity Metrics < Impact

social media Apr 20, 2023

I’m such a junkie for people taking action.

I’ve sold a lot of things on the internet. Mostly making sales online mean I’m obligated to do some work.

That means I have to spend time so I can earn that money I got.

BUT when I’m told I impacted somebody with content, and they’ve taken action already or plan to, I don’t have to do anything but feel good.

It’s dope!


"  I don't think I talk enough about how little these videos are important to me that they hit. A lot of people like that. They go out and I get a lot of Twitter likes. Does it ever impact a person, like beyond clicking a little heart, like do the videos go out there and get somebody to take an action or like give themself a shot?

Take that. That bet on themself, like, should I go do this thing and try something new and then find out that I've got a skill or an ability that's untapped for. For me, right? Like somebody realizes, wow, I've got this thing in me and I could do this thing. When they tell me that, or when they use these things that I'm putting out.

And then they let me know That happened today. I got such a cool message, one of the coolest messages I've ever got on Twitter. And man, it was motivating. It was dope. So that's what it's about. Metrics are kind of silly. I'm just happy when I find out ones and twos when any of these things actually reach people and those people go do something with what they learned.

So I'll see you tomorrow.

That's wonderful to hear that your videos have had a positive impact on others beyond just receiving likes or metrics. It's truly rewarding when your content inspires someone to take action, explore new opportunities, and discover their untapped skills or abilities. The fact that you received such a cool and motivating message on Twitter shows that your videos are resonating with people and making a difference in their lives.

While metrics can be important to track your reach and engagement, the real value lies in the meaningful connections you make and the impact you have on individuals. It's those moments when someone reaches out and shares how your videos have influenced them that truly matter.

Keep creating and sharing your videos with authenticity and passion. By continuing to touch people's lives and empowering them to pursue new paths, you're making a positive impact in the world. I look forward to seeing your videos and hearing more inspiring stories. See you tomorrow!

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