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Explore all of the capabilities of a Stream Deck!

livestreams Mar 07, 2023

Elgato packed this little unit full of functions to control your live stream!

It can do so much more than that, but the truth is, when I’m streaming, I don’t like to focus on much besides the stream!

Changing camera angles, or equipping AR masks has always been some of my favorite uses.

I’m excited to do a few videos about capabilities like clipping content with 1 button, and repurposing that clip later.

Imagine if Twitter was integrated better to go back and save a Spaces moment starting 15 seconds before you pushed the button

This thing will help your clip game


"  This cute little gadget is called a stream deck, and it is super customizable with plugins and all kinds of sound effects, voice changers, audio control, light control. There's even a plugin where I can push one button and see what my upload and download speeds are. Here's another one called Color Picker, where I can go through and anything the mouse is touching, I push one button and it will tell me the exact color that it is.

So this can do way more than I use it for, but I mainly just use it to change the camera. And adjust the lights."

The Stream Deck is indeed a versatile and customizable gadget that offers a wide range of functionalities for streamers. It provides convenient access to various features and commands through programmable buttons. With the help of plugins, you can enhance its capabilities and add features like sound effects, voice changers, audio control, light control, and more.

The ability to check your upload and download speeds with the push of a button and utilize a color picker for precise color identification are additional handy features of the Stream Deck. While it offers numerous possibilities, it's great that you have found a specific focus for your usage, such as changing the camera and adjusting the lights.

By personalizing the Stream Deck to fit your streaming needs, you can streamline your workflow and have quick control over essential functions. If you decide to explore more features and plugins in the future, you can further expand its capabilities to enhance your streaming experience.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Happy streaming with your Stream Deck!

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