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social media Jan 16, 2023

This will launch the app for whatever you’re driving traffic to. If it’s a YouTube Channel this will be a MASSIVE help to driving subscriptions from Twitter.


"Special video today for my Guy Tally. I'm gonna teach you about making deep links from Twitter to whatever the hell you want. Step one. So first thing you need to do is go to your YouTube channel, or if you know you're at such as underscore, that will be your url. Go there, copy that.

Step two, after you have your URL copied, go over to URL and you're gonna open up an account. You get 500 clicks for free, so you might as well just do this for the first 500 clicks cuz 500 subscribers. Worth it. Now you just need to paste in your URL from your YouTube channel, and then it's gonna generate a deep link for you.

In this case, it's gonna be URL And step three. Now that you have that url, hop back over to Twitter and just update your main profile url. You can't do this in any other way using Twitter blue. Eventually, I hope that we can just add a big fat button that says subscribe, but for now, you can update your personal URL and now it will deep link and open the YouTube app anytime somebody goes to click on your YouTube channel.

And for those of you existing YouTube creators that didn't even know about this, I'm just gonna be honest. I didn't either. I was just trying to help out tally. I found out some dope stuff for me. Hope it helps you. I'll see you tomorrow."

Sounds like a great tip! You've outlined a step-by-step process for creators to make deep links from their Twitter profiles directly to their YouTube channels or any other desired page, using a tool called URL Genie. This is an effective way to drive traffic and potentially gain more subscribers, and the ability to open the linked page directly in its corresponding app can make for a smoother user experience. Thanks for sharing this!

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