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Do Batch Record

filming tips Apr 04, 2023

Doing anything batched together can be pretty powerful.

But in the case that you’ve taken the time to get camera ready, your batteries and mics are charged, and you’re feeling good on camera, then bang a few out!

Shoot multiple videos at once.

Edit multiple videos at once.

If you’re really smart, (not like me) just shoot a ton of footage together, and send that off to your editor to chop up and get you all set for the week or half the month.

Don’t be like this guy and avoid the batches:

"  Last video, I said I had just made four videos in a row. I'm not gonna challenge you with that, but I will challenge you to make multiple videos in one sitting. Make three of them same clothes. Doesn't matter if you change what you're doing, honestly, it doesn't matter what you look like in those videos.

It matters that what you're saying in those videos is valuable. So you can sit there and make five valuable videos in a row if you make 50 videos in a row. As long as all of them are valuable, nobody's gonna complain. That you gave them that value, but you were wearing the wrong shirt, or you should have changed the color lipstick that you had.

Like that's just not, that's not a reasonable comment to worry about in the first place. So here's my challenge. Make three topics. Use Google Keep. I made the last video talking about how to do that. List out what three videos you want to do and then just talk about a couple different little things for each of those videos.

Hit record, bang one out, then do the next one, even if it takes a couple tries. Just work through while you're sitting in the same place. You've got your gear, you've got everything set up. Why not just make multiple videos in a row because you're already set up. Batch creation is a way that you can get way ahead.

Uh, and I say that because I'm doing it right now and I almost never do, and I'm sitting here wondering, why don't I batch record my videos more often? Anyway, record three of 'em post those three videos throughout the week or three days in a row. However, the cadence needs to look for you. Mine just happens to be seven videos in one day.

I wouldn't suggest that, uh, but definitely practice bash recording. Do three go."

Batch recording is indeed a great strategy for video creation, as it allows you to maximize your productivity and stay ahead of schedule. By planning and recording multiple videos in one sitting, you can take advantage of the setup and save time on transitions and preparations.

It's important to focus on delivering valuable content rather than getting caught up in minor details like clothing or appearance. Viewers appreciate valuable information and insights, regardless of the visual aspects. By batch recording, you can maintain consistency in your content and provide a steady stream of valuable videos.

Using tools like Google Keep to plan and organize your topics is a smart approach. It helps you stay organized and ensures you cover all the important points for each video.

I encourage you to take up the challenge and record three videos in one sitting. By doing so, you'll experience the benefits of batch creation and have a content pipeline ready for posting. Best of luck with your recording sessions, and I'm excited to see the results of your efforts!

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