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livestreams Mar 02, 2023

For any web3 company, this is a must.

We record all company meetings, as well as any discovery calls with potential clients.

For existing clients, the use of StreamYard for coaching them through the actual content creation process is fast and seamless.

We also livestream to multiple platforms at the same time, including YouTube, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, and now Kick as well.


"  I have a secret weapon for creating content in Web three, and I think everybody should be using this, and I think everybody eventually will be using this. That platform is called Streamyard. Super bullish on this. I actually tell all potential new clients, all existing clients and all teammates in every team that I'm part of.

We have to do our team meetings. On StreamYard, let me tell you why. For each person that we have on our team meetings, we get a full 10 80 p perfect resolution, full frame image of them, and whatever they say, it has its own audio track That is huge for content creation and repurposing. But why does it even matter that we record our meetings?

Well? Because we speak so honestly and we get excited about things. And as we're delivering those authentic messages to each other, it's totally worth showing other people after the fact. And so for that same reason, anytime we're doing new client discovery calls where we're trying to see, Hey, maybe we should make content with this person, maybe we should help them with this part of their project or that part.

We just get on those discovery calls and we record that because maybe if we do decide to work together, we've already started creating content just after the discovery call itself. Another way we use StreamYard is we'll just. Send the invite link to one of our existing clients. We'll sit and we'll have a back and forth session with them, help them produce content.

So they're sitting there on their computer, we're sitting on our computers having a conversation, and whenever they decide to start and start talking to the camera and recording content, we're already recording. And if there's any little adjustments that they need to make, we can literally just tell them live.

Recording with them, nobody watching, just us and them, and they could make those adjustments. Try again, get that content right and boom, we're done. We've already created the content. The only thing better than that would be if we were actually in person, and that actually works really well. Even if you're just recording content of yourself.

I have specific programs on my computer. So that it can capture my camera and my mic and all that, but if I didn't have those programs and the only thing that I had was StreamYard, no big deal. It's totally good. 10 80 p, full resolution, all the audio for my good mic. Everything pumping into that thing is great for me to make my own content.

I've actually made some online courses just using StreamYard to capture myself giving the instruction, and we livestream to multiple places at once. So let's say that we're doing a Friday night Twitter space and we want to have that Twitter space pumped into a livestream where you can watch on video and see the different teammates that we have from when media, we can be sending that to YouTube and to Facebook and to LinkedIn.

And there's a new one that I'm excited about. It's a rival to Twitch, so I'm gonna talk about that video tomorrow and I'm super excited. Something big happened today, and I'm gonna tell you all about it then. See you tomorrow."

It's clear that you're enthusiastic about StreamYard and find it to be a valuable tool for content creation and collaboration. StreamYard's features, such as high-resolution video, separate audio tracks, and the ability to livestream to multiple platforms, make it convenient for recording team meetings, client discovery calls, and even creating your own content. It allows for authentic conversations and provides flexibility for adjustments during the recording process. It's great to hear that you've utilized StreamYard for various purposes, including online courses and livestreaming events. I look forward to hearing more about the new platform rivaling Twitch and the exciting updates tomorrow. See you then!

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