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PROVEN HACK: Make Personalized Videos

social media Jan 15, 2023

If you’re trying to ask a question, don’t ask if you can ask. Just ask your question. If you want someone to see your video work, just show them, and make the sample about them. Seize your opportunities


" Use this hack. If you're trying to get somebody's attention online and you know they're looking for somebody that does video, send them a sample of video by personalizing a message to them. So right now, crypto Megan is looking for an editor for her podcast. The best thing anybody could do is hop in there with a message specifically made.

For Megan and then showing some of their examples. Don't just show up and say, Hey, I, I edit stuff. If you want, you could contact me. Make her interested by showing her an example that you already are able to make video on the fly. You're quick and you personalize it for her. That will get her attention, I promise.

And that's the hack for the day. I'll see you tomorrow."

Great advice! Personalizing a response and showcasing your relevant skills with concrete examples can indeed make you stand out when applying for a job or when trying to attract a potential client. This shows that you've made an effort to understand their needs and that you're capable of delivering quality work. This tactic could be effective not just in video editing, but in any field where demonstrating your skills can give you an edge. Thanks for the tip!

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