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What program posts to all social media platforms using all the nuance of each one?

social media Apr 23, 2023

✋These 2 Thumbs🤚

Tomorrow we’ll break down each one, and cover things like music, captions, effects, stickers, timing and more.

I’ll cover TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn


"  So I've been posting three videos a day to five different social media platforms. That's TikTok, that's YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. And I'm posting one of those videos three different times a day because I have a hundred videos that I get to post. So what is the magic? Bullet, what's the one program that I use so that I could just push go and it just spreads videos out all over the internet?

The name of that program is called These Two Thumbs. My buddy Alex says that it's just me knowing how to post on TikTok, which is a little bit different than how I post on Facebook and Instagram and YouTube, and definitely different than how I post on LinkedIn. There's nuance to all of these different platforms.

So tomorrow I'm gonna start making videos. I'm actually behind five videos right now, so I'm gonna do in one day how to post on Instagram that another video, how to post on LinkedIn, another one, how to do TikTok. And I'm gonna break down a couple nuances in short little one minute videos. So I will see you there.

And I know I'm behind on video, so hopefully I catch up. But it's kinda hard to post this many times a day and make new videos. I'll do my best. I'll see you tomorrow."

It's impressive that you're posting three videos a day on five different social media platforms! To streamline your posting process, it's important to understand the nuances of each platform. While there isn't a single program that automatically spreads your videos across all platforms, having knowledge of how to post effectively on each one can make the process more efficient.

Your friend Alex mentioned that you excel at posting on TikTok, which has its own unique posting style compared to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Understanding the specific requirements and best practices for each platform will help you tailor your content accordingly.

In your upcoming videos, where you plan to cover how to post on Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok, it's great that you'll be sharing insights and tips on the nuances of each platform. This will be valuable for others who may be looking to improve their posting strategies as well.

Posting multiple times a day and creating new videos can indeed be challenging, but I'm confident you'll do your best to catch up. Remember to pace yourself and find a posting rhythm that works for you. Consistency is key in maintaining an active online presence. Best of luck with your videos, and I'll see you in the next one!

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