You have what you need!
You have a supercomputer in your hand right now
Record without editing.
Post what you record.
"I just wanna give you three things of encouragement...
Film yourself (or just hands) doing something kinda normal.
What little things tell the story of what you’re doing?
In a normal video, your “B-Roll” reinforces what...
introducing yourself
starting w/ a Logo
Strong Hook
Respecting viewers time
engage with a CTA
People have better stuff to watch than boring content.
Make it Valuable Make it Quick
This will launch the app for whatever you’re driving traffic to. If it’s a YouTube Channel this will be a MASSIVE help to driving subscriptions from Twitter.
If you’re trying to ask a question, don’t ask if you can ask. Just ask your question. If you want someone to see your video work, just show them, and make the sample about...
If you can show whatever you’re talking about in a video, show it. Using lots of visuals through your video will help hold viewers attention.You can also hide Easter Eggs and...